Introduction to Acute Postoperative Pain Management and Acute Pain Service

Event Place: Webex Online | Event Specialty: Anaesthesia | Event Duration: 60 min.

This is just an introductory teaching for the beginners in anaesthesia to give an overview about how to manage acute postoperative pain and how to develop such service in a hospital.
We all know acute postoperative pain at times can be severe and can cause healthcare burdeon if not properly managed. Also it can lead to sympathetic exacerbation leading to hypertension, ischaemia, worsening of diabetic control, delayed wound healing, respiratory compromise and even postoperative respiratory failure. Success of most operation and anaesthesia lies in bringing good outcome and satisfied patient by solving their postoperative pain. Even untreated and maltreated pain can lead to chronic postsurgical pain which becomes a health hazard.
Acute postoperative pain control does not simply mean prescribing opioid, or adding paracetamol or NSAIDs. It should be multimodal and holistic involving all available modalities liaising with surgeon, anaesthesiologists and recovery nurses and the demands and expectations of the patients. It can be very complex when regional anaesthesia technique or advanced patients controlled modality is combined with other commonly used drugs.
Also establishment of proper acute pain service is essential to provide the service which is not only limited to theatre of postanaesthesia care units. It involves follow ups, evaluation, reassessment and monitoring of any adverse effect along with improving the comfort and satisfaction of patients and finally allowing a smooth transition from parenteral to oral modality to allow the patient to be discharged. This involves full structured plan using required staffs, their training, proper use of available gadgets to provide best comfort without inducing any risk to patients.
Our speaker shall give a targeted teaching on this aspect to the interested learners. Hope all will enjoy and get benefitted from it.